Vata types are known to be rather restless, cool people, who certainly notice the cold, When you have excess levels of vata, fear, depression and nervousness become quite marked significant traits, and with repressed emotions comes a definite weakening of the immune system. However by adapting the appropriate lifestyle, and making one or two changes you will create a better balance within yourself, and find that you achieve much more.
Elements : ether and air.
Climate : dry and cold.
Principle : movement.
Emotions : fearful, anxious, apprehensive, sensitive, timid, lacking confidence, slightly nervous, changeable.
Systems most affected by excess vata: the nervous system and also the colon.
Symptoms of excess vata: flatulence, back pain, problems with circulation, dry skin, outbreaks of arthritis, constipation, and
nerve disorders.
The vata body type is usually thin and narrow. Vatas do not gain weight easily and are often restless by nature, especially when they are busy and active. They have dry hair and cool skin and a tendency to feel the cold. Their levels of energy are erratic, and they have to be very careful not to exhaust themselves, leading to inconsistency. They may find it quite hard to relax, which can lead to an overactive mind and insomnia.
Vata symptoms will be changeable, being cold by nature and therefore worse in cold weather Any pain will worsen during change. Vata people can suffer from wind, low back pain, arthritis and nerve disorders because of their individual restless nature, certainly require a regular intake of nourishment, and they should sit down to eat or drink at regular times. Careful exercise should always be taken in moderation, clearly maintaining a gentle, regular; well-worked out routine that will help to keep the mind focused, and in perfect harmony with the body.
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